Phonk My Job (S3E10)
Song(s) for those caustic days that make you wanna do hoodrat stuff with friends.
Claude Sundae
We've all been stuck with obligations that impede the good stuff. This selection of Sundae Slaps is a sample of the delicious songs I put on to spice up the blander tasks in life.
In my case, it's data-entry, instead of R&D. Music like this compliments the vexing.
Scary Gary \\ Kaito Schamo, Kingpin, Skinny Pimp, DJ Screw
HPSHAWTY \\ Funky Ass Flavor
DJ Smokey \\ I Don't Give a Damn Bruh
Crash Internal System \\ Mista Play, HPSHAWTY
DJ Sacred \\ 5 Years Still Grindn’
Gettin’ Dough \\ 3DMG, Dj Sacred
Front A Busta \\ Koopsta Knicca
Skinny But Dangerous \\ Kingpin Skinny Pimp
Dead Presidents \\ Gangsta Pat
Campin’ Playas \\ Shawty Pimp, Reddog
Sailin Da South \\ DJ Screw, E.S.G.