My Little Crevasse of The Web -
Fueled From Love, Sweat & Drugs

& More

Sundae Slaps

About Me
& Stuff


I enjoy using a variety of physical and digital resources to better get the ideas from my head into yours.

If you have not noticed, cartoons & comics inspired my art. I never went through proper training and just paint what’s in my head.

Sundae Slaps - Time


Drawing Skills
Refrigerator Art
Digtal Tools
Self Proclaimed Raster Master (Long-term Dabbler)
Digital Design
Comic Sans > Everything Else
Secret Skill
I Can Resist Scracthing When I Have An Itch ~ Even My Nose

& More

S3 E4D2 XL Featured Image Sundae Slaps
Who is Claude Sundae?

Who is He?… He puts headphones on to avoid small talk. He is a sensitive artist who has an addiction to novelty, a shameless love of puns, and is a self-proclaimed corn chip connoisseur.

Why do you create stuff?


What is your "dream" job?

I’ve always fantasized about copy-writing for the adult entertainment industry.
